Join us on Thursday, August 15 at 1:00 PM ET, for a transformative webinar on ‘Building a Data Culture with Generative AI’, hosted by mySidewalk and the National League of Cities.

Designed to guide local government leaders through the evolving landscape of data and technology, this session will emphasize how to get the most out of AI in the short term and how to prepare your community for what’s to come.  It aims to introduce helpful tools and foster a deeper understanding and adoption of data practices that enhance transparency, efficiency, and community engagement.

The webinar will explore: 

  • Defining Data Culture: An exploration of how municipalities can foster an organization-wide commitment to leveraging data for insightful decision-making, uncovering trends, and exploring opportunities. 
  • Overcoming Challenges: Addressing common hurdles, including the perception gap among elected officials who may not see themselves as ‘data people’, and how accessible tools and education can bridge this gap. 
  • Community vs. Business Intelligence: Highlighting the distinction between community intelligence, which focuses on place-based, engagement-forward approaches, and traditional business intelligence systems. 
  • Practical Applications: Demonstrating how generative AI can provide timely, trustworthy insights supporting proactive prioritization and community capacity building. 
  • Empowering Through Tools: Showcasing the transformative impact of the right tools in enabling staff and elected officials to become active participants in data-driven governance. 

Register today and learn how the strategic use of generative AI can elevate the role of local government leaders. 

Note: Registration link will take you to a non-NLC web page.