With the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), every city, town and village is entitled to direct federal grants under the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. The U.S. Department of the Treasury is responsible for regulating and distributing these grants and their uses.
Cities with populations of fewer than 50,000 residents –which are called Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government or NEUs under the program –receive a formula distribution of federal assistance from the Fiscal Recovery Fund via a pass-through from their state governments.
The Fiscal Recovery Fund program is the first time many small municipalities have received a federal grant. To capitalize on this new opportunity, small cities need to be aware of the guidelines and responsibilities for complying and reporting the use of these funds. The first deadline for NEUs’ reporting is October 31, 2021.
This webinar will cover:
- Payment and cash management
- Expenditure
- Deadlines
- Eligible activities
- Allowable costs
- Applicable procedures for subgranting and purchasing
- Documentation (creating and retaining records)
- Reporting
- Audit requirements
- Close-out and continuing accountability
This webinar is for city officials and staff who are primarily responsible for managing their city’s Fiscal Recovery Fund grant. These individuals could be:
- Mayors
- Councilmembers
- City Managers and Administrators
- Finance Directors
- City Clerks
- Treasurers
- Accounting Staff
- Grants Coordinators
- Internal Auditors
- External Auditors
- Program Managers
- Other City Officials with responsibilities related to ARP
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