With $5 billion in grants available over five years, the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) initiative will provide funding to local governments to improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers — with a focus on equity. Get an inside look at how NLC cities applied for, and won, SS4A grant funding in 2022.
During this webinar, presented by GM Future Roads in conjunction with NLC, you’ll learn:
- How cities and administrators planned for their SS4A submission
- Timing and partnerships utilized at the local level to comply with grant application requirements
- What happens after cities are awarded their funds
- Vince Williams, Mayor, Union City, GA
- Brian Platt, City Manager, Kansas City, MO
- Debbie Smith, Director of Transportation, Charlotte, NC
- Harnit (“Niti”) Anand, Head of Strategy and Business Development, General Motors Future Roads
- Aaron Wilson, Transportation Planning Manager, City of Missoula, MT
Note: Registration link will take you to a non-NLC web page.