Municipalities can better leverage resources and build stronger networks to improve health and well-being in their communities through partnerships with anchor institutions and multi-sector stakeholders. Join us on Tuesday, August 9th at 3pm ET to hear and engage with city leaders who are proactively engaged in collaborative efforts to expand access to jobs, economic opportunity, and to ultimately improve community health. This highly interactive Learning Lab will provide an opportunity to hear from a variety of city leaders about their respective journeys, while providing time to support peer-to-peer dialogue.
Not familiar with anchor institutions? As part of a recent Mayors Institute on Job Creation and Economic Opportunity to Improve Health and Equity, our issue brief highlights partnerships with anchor institutions, who are usually the largest employers in communities, such as colleges, universities, and hospitals.
- Sheryl Davis, Executive Director, San Francisco Human Rights Commission (HRC) – San Francisco, CA
- Tim Sheehan, Chief Development Officer, City of Springfield, MA
- Jan Rader, Director of the Mayor’s Council on Public Health and Drug Control Policy, City of Huntington, WV
Heidi Christensen, Public Affairs Specialist
Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Join the Cities of Opportunity Learning Lab for a discussion on leveraging partnerships with anchor institutions and other stakeholders to improve health and economic opportunity in your city.