Join us for the Equitable Pathways to Municipal Healing and Action webinar where experts will discuss the NLC-Race, Equity and Leadership (REAL) department’s most recent Municipal Action Guide (MAG), Advancing Racial Equity in Your City 2023, and honor the National Day of Racial Healing. The webinar will feature NLC-REAL’s Four As of Racial Healing Framework: Acknowledge, Apologize, Atone and Act, and how the municipalities featured in the MAG are incorporating the framework in their local communities. NLC-REAL will also preview new tools and resources cities, towns and villages can use to advance racial equity. Join our group of municipal contributors, including:
- Amber Hewitt, PhD, Chief Equity Officer, Washington, DC
- Aimee Kane, Equity Program Officer, City of Boulder, CO
- Kristy Kumar, Equity and Social Justice Division Manager, City of Madison, WI
- Sharon Williams, Director, Department of Equity & Inclusion, City of Durham, NC
- Lindsey Wilson, PhD, Director, Office of Equity & Inclusion, City of Dallas, TX
REAL is also excited to have Councilmember Doreen Garlid of Tempe, AZ, share this day with us by welcoming participants into the space and reading a selected excerpt.
The National Day of Racial Healing is observed annually on the Tuesday following Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It builds on the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation network. This day allows us to hold space for the fundamental role racial healing plays in racial equity as we contemplate shared values and a future where race is not a predictor of outcomes.