The broad goal of this project is to provide a resource to help city leaders implement effective strategies for emergency response and crisis stabilization for individuals experiencing mental illness, substance use disorder and/or homelessness. City leaders may adapt the strategies to address specific challenges related to these areas.
Using a grant from Arnold Ventures, NLC worked to examine established city strategies and work directly with select cities to research, test and implement improvements.

Executive Summary
Spreading and Scaling Innovative City Approaches to Address Mental Health, Substance Use and Homelessness
We began by examining established city-level approaches to emergency response and crisis stabilization. Our analysis can be found in the following briefs.

Advancing Coordinated Solutions through Local Leadership

Working Across Systems for Better Results

Emergency Response and Crisis Stabilization
Case Studies
NLC and Arnold Ventures selected nine cities and counties to interview and profile based on criteria including geographic diversity, community size and improving outcomes which suggest evidence of a successful approach.
Fort Collins, CO
Fort Collins has developed a number of innovative programs that target the intersecting challenges of substance use disorder (SUD), homelessness and mental health issues. This case study focuses on the Fort Collins Police Services (FCPS) mental health co-responder program and presents key takeaways for cities and counties considering similar initiatives.
Huntington, WV
Huntington has developed a number of innovative programs that cut across multiple systems and target the intersecting challenges of substance use disorder (SUD), homelessness, and mental health issues. This case study will focus on the QRT and related programs and present key takeaways for other cities considering similar cross-systems approaches.
Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis has developed a number of innovative programs that target the challenges of SUD, homelessness, and mental health issues. This case study will focus on MCAT-BHU and present key takeaways for other cities considering similar cross-systems approaches.
Manchester, NH
Manchester is home to a number of programs and facilities that support individuals with mental health conditions and SUD. This case study focuses on the Safe Station program and presents key takeaways for other cities and counties considering a similar approach.
Philadelphia, PA
This case study focuses on a unique Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) serving those with behavioral health needs in Philadelphia. It then discusses a number of related initiatives, including cross-sector efforts to connect people to services and reduce arrests related to homelessness, SUD and mental illness, and closes with key takeaways for other city leaders and stakeholders.
Rapid City, SD
To help provide sustainable solutions for the city and these individuals, RCPD invested in a special unit designed to help these individuals engage with a number of helpful resources and supports, remove barriers to care and services and help these individuals achieve success, however they define it, as well as reduce police calls and related costs. This case study will focus on the RCPD Quality of Life Unit and present key takeaways for other cities and counties considering similar cross-systems approaches.
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio has developed a number of innovative programs that target the challenges of SUD, homelessness, and mental health issues. This case study focuses on the MHD and presents key takeaways for other cities considering similar cross-systems approaches.
Wake County, NC
Wake County developed a number of innovative programs that target the intersecting challenges of SUD, homelessness and mental health conditions. Notably, the county was able to take advantage of North Carolina’s transition to a Medicaid managed care system to invest in these programs. This case study will focus on Wake County’s Enhanced Mobile Crisis Pilot Program and present key takeaways for other cities and counties considering similar cross-systems approaches.
Wichita, KS
Wichita has developed a number of innovative programs that target the challenges of SUD, homelessness, and mental health issues. This case study will focus on HOT and present key takeaways for other cities considering similar cross-systems approaches.