About NLC’s Work on Afterschool and Summer Learning 

The National League of Cities has more than two decades of experience and knowledge working with cities and municipal leaders to help strengthen local efforts to create, expand, and improve afterschool and summer learning opportunities. Through these efforts, municipal-ledcitywide afterschool systems and quality summer learning programs have developed across the nation. Municipal leaders recognize the importance of this work and the essential role that afterschool and summer learning play to improve academics, develop skills, and provide exposure to new, stimulating experiences for youth in their communities. 

In 2022, NLC joined the US Department of Education as a backbone partner of the Engage Every Student initiative to provide access to a high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs for every youth who wants a spot. Municipal leaders can support this initiative and receive additional resources by singing up as an ally or to make a pledge online. To learn more about NLC’s work on Afterschool programming, email our team at educationexpandedlearning@nlc.org

NLC has developed guidelines and best practices for cities, towns, and villages interested in supporting afterschool and summer learning programs.
