Cities of all sizes rely on tax-exempt municipal bonds as a critical tool to finance infrastructure projects and essential public services. These bonds help fund everything from schools and hospitals to roads and utilities—projects that are vital to the well-being of communities across the country. However, with Congress expected to focus on sunsetting tax provisions next year, the National League of Cities (NLC) anticipates that tax-exempt municipal bonds may be at risk.

NLC, in collaboration with the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), is launching the #BuiltByBonds campaign to undeniably demonstrate the importance of tax-exempt municipal bonds in every congressional district nationwide. 

This initiative aims to illustrate the vast impact of tax-exempt municipal bonds in every congressional district and community in America. Showcasing real-world examples of infrastructure projects funded by tax-exempt bonds and emphasizing their importance to lawmakers will be crucial in their survival.  

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Local officials can help educate Congress on this issue by populating this map using this form with one project that has been partially or fully funded through tax-exempt municipal bonds. The information on the map will allow congressional members and staff to search for projects financed with municipal bonds in their own state and congressional district.