A partnership between the National League of Cities (NLC) and the American Planning Association (APA), the Housing Supply Accelerator was created to help communities tackle their local housing challenges.
Through this national campaign, NLC and APA are narrowly focused on identifying locally driven housing supply solutions that expand, preserve and improve the quantity and quality of housing.
About the Campaign
Since 2022, the Housing Supply Accelerator has united a diverse coalition of stakeholders– local governments, community planners, builders, developers, financial institutions, real estate professionals, housing policy associations and state and federal partners to develop, align, collaborate and advance solutions that will address housing supply challenges at the local level.
This campaign seeks to aid local government efforts to meet their residents’ housing needs by:
- Providing expertise and insight into local housing supply challenges to inform locally driven policy solutions.
- Elevating awareness of successful local initiatives to the national level, emphasizing the essential role of cities and communities in addressing housing shortages.
- Facilitating greater alignment among all stakeholders involved in the housing supply pipeline, including local governments, real estate professionals, builders, laborers, developers, financial institutions and state, regional and federal agencies, to develop quality housing.
- Enhancing local capacity to work toward tackling housing shortages and navigating housing needs effectively.
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Why are NLC and APA Partnering?
Housing stability is a prerequisite for economic mobility, job security, and health and well-being. Housing is the single biggest factor impacting economic mobility for most Americans. When residents have safe, attainable housing, the benefits are apparent. It’s up to local governments, leaders in the housing supply ecosystem and state and federal partners to evaluate and update practices, policies and rules to create positive outcomes for residents and communities.
The housing crisis harms every community. In many places, housing instability and homelessness are outpacing the capacity of local governments, housing developers and financial institutions to meet the evolving housing needs of cities and towns. Although localities are not impacted equally, every city, town, and village, from urban to rural, is negatively impacted by the housing crisis. Because housing markets are regional, clashing ordinances related to housing and homelessness can drive racial inequities and produce negative economic outcomes across a region.
Every level of government is being pressured to act. Elected officials at every level of government are hearing from constituents that housing is a major problem where they live. In response, cities and states are pursuing a wide range of different and sometimes contentious solutions.
Local governments and leaders are an essential part of the solution. Local leaders are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for local governments to meet demand for housing. Cities are experimenting with zoning and code reforms, and lacking other alternatives, some are building housing on their own. Annual federal funds for housing and homeless assistance programs are deeply appreciated but insufficient to meet the demand. Local governments are filling gaps by utilizing one-time funds through the American Rescue Plan Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Job Act to finance the production and preservation of housing.
About the Housing Supply Accelerator Resources
Through this solutions-oriented campaign, NLC and APA are actively developing timely-resources and highlighting policies and practices, from construction and development to housing finance to land use and regulations, that can assist communities with tackling their housing challenges.
Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook
In 2024, NLC and APA, released the Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook: Solutions, Systems, Partnerships. The playbook is a resource designed to support communities in navigating their housing supply challenges and embracing solutions to increase diverse, attainable and equitable housing options.
Key insights from the playbook include:
An actionable level of consensus — not perfect consensus — is needed to make progress to tackle today’s housing supply challenges.
The national housing supply shortage demands collective momentum and shared responsibility from each sector of the housing market to achieve meaningful progress.
Housing supply challenges involve myriad factors: construction and development, finance, land use and regulations, and infrastructure and workforce. A systems approach to addressing housing supply recognizes that all these factors are interconnected— and looking at scalable solutions and promising practices offers a pathway to address local housing supply challenges.
Multi-layered solutions are needed to address housing supply challenges at the local level. The combination of local housing strategies, in coordination with all housing stakeholders, will propel communities forward, one step at a time.
Housing Supply Accelerator Field Guide
To accompany the Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook, NLC and APA created the Housing Supply Accelerator Field Guide, a journal to help communities organize thoughts and ideas about addressing local housing supply.
The Field Guide breaks down the Playbook’s four main sections—Collaboration and Partnerships, Construction and Development, Finance, and Land Use and Regulation—allowing users to explore policies in depth and identify the strategies suitable for their community and context.
Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook Case Studies
To build upon this resource, NLC expands a sample of case studies featured in the playbook. These case studies provide more detail about such policies, programs and strategies as public-private partnerships, pre-approved plans, missing middle housing, small-scale development training and more.
Small Cities

Chelsea, MA: Island End River Coastal Flood Resilience Project
Population: 40,787
The Island End River Coastal Flood Resilience Project is a comprehensive approach to addressing coastal flood risks in the Cities of Chelsea and Everett. With more than 500 acres at risk due to the area’s topography and hydrology, this project implements hybrid gray and nature-based flood resilience measures.

Claremore, OK: Pattern Zone Development
Population: 19,580
Claremore is a small college town and commuter city experiencing a surge in demand for housing. After evaluating the city’s current and predicted market pressure and reviewing home and rental demand data, the City of Claremore determined that municipal policy would be essential to building enough new housing to meet this new demand.

Waterloo, IA: Sustainable Construction and Design Program
Population: 67,341
The Waterloo City Council partnered with Hawkeye Community College to facilitate hands-on learning for students enrolled in its Sustainable Construction and Design program as part of the city’s 2030 Vision Plan. The City of Waterloo, formerly the factory city of Iowa, has faced the challenge of aging housing stock, brownfield sites, and blighted properties.
Mid-Size Cities

Buffalo, NY: Green Code: Unified Development Ordinance
Population: 278,349
The City of Buffalo adopted its Buffalo Green Code to better align development codes with the smart growth and sustainability principles of the comprehensive plan. Effective since 2017, The Green Code is a unified development ordinance (UDO) and part of the city’s form-based code, which serves as a complete overhaul of the city’s previous zoning code from 1953.

Fayetteville, AR: Pre-Approved Architectural Designs for Residential Development
Population: 93,949
The City of Fayetteville is piloting a program to streamline residential construction in its Downtown and Walker Park neighborhoods by offering pre-approved architectural designs for residential development. The program aims to improve design outcomes and expedite the permitting process, saving residents time and money while providing new housing options.

Tempe, AZ: Hometown for All Housing
Population: 180,587
Tempe’s Hometown for All initiative, established by the Tempe City Council in January 2021, is a program designed to foster growth of affordable and workforce housing options through innovative funding strategies. Through data analysis, Tempe was able to identify a critical need for affordable and workforce housing options. In order to achieve future development goals and to further diversify housing stock, the city of Tempe developed the Hometown for All initiative to boost necessary housing supply.
Large Cities

Austin, TX: Small-Scale Developer Training Program
Population: 961,855
The Austin Small Developer Training Program was funded by the Austin Housing Finance Corporation in a public-private partnership with the nonprofits which implemented the program: HousingWorks Austin and Capital Impact Partners. The program offers a unique opportunity for small-scale developers, especially those who were historically excluded from the market, to play a larger role in addressing the region’s housing challenges.

Memphis, TN: Missing Middle Housing
Population: 633,104
The Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan includes a focus on encouraging housing supply, particularly missing middle housing options. Driven by the plan, city officials examined potential barriers to missing middle development in their zoning and building codes. The city updated the local building code to make buildings like triplexes and quadplexes easier to build.

San Antonio, TX: Strategic Housing Implementation Plan
Population: 1,434,625
San Antonio’s Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP) demonstrates a collaborative approach to addressing housing needs. Together, the City, County, housing authority and housing trust blend federal and state funds, tax credits, bonds, and public-private partnerships to create and preserve affordable homes.
Campaign Sponsors
This campaign is made possible with the generous support of our sponsor, Amazon
For questions on becoming a sponsor, contact sponsorships@nlc.org.