In the fall of 2022, the National League of Cities (NLC) and Local Infrastructure Hub launched a series of bootcamps designed to help small and mid-sized local governments take advantage of the grant opportunities available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. Hundreds of communities took advantage of these free trainings – and now more are on the way!

Starting in May 2024, NLC and the Local Infrastructure Hub will kick off another round of bootcamps to provide resources and training for communities interested in securing federal grant funds to address sustainable infrastructure needs.

The bridge investment program

The Bridge Investment Program (BIP)

The Bridge Investment Program works alongside all levels of government to meet community infrastructure needs with a focus on reducing the number of existing bridges in poor condition or fair condition at risk. This funding marks an unprecedented focus on bridge infrastructure, which is vital for connecting residents and local communities.

reconnecting communities and neighborhoods

Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN)

The RCN program was established to remove surface transportation structures (e.g. highways or viaducts) to increase connectivity in disadvantaged or underserved communities, and planning/capacity-building activities in these communities. The program aligns with federal administration policies and priorities on Safety, Economic Strength, Equity, Climate and Sustainability and Transformation, and Organization Excellence.



The Brownfields grant bootcamp will focus on communities seeking site assessment, cleanup, or multipurpose grants for brownfield sites – sites with known or possible contamination from prior use. Multipurpose grants provide funding for communities to carry out a range of eligible assessment and cleanup activities and allow recipients significant flexibility.

The combined railroad cross elimination program & consolidated rail infrastructure and safety improvements PROGRAM

The Combine Railroad Cross Elimination Program & Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program

This program provides funding for highway – rail or pathway – rail grade crossing improvement projects, promoting safety and mobility for people and goods. Communities can use grant funding to track relocation; improve or install protective devices, signals, or signs; improve safety; and conduct environmental audits of eligible projects.

the solid waste infrastructure for recycling (SWIFR) program

The Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Program

This program will help municipalities improve management and infrastructure systems for recyclable materials. The program also aims to enhance local recycling programs and assist local authorities in upgrading their waste management systems. As part of the National Recycling Strategy, this grant program is key to advancing a national municipal solid waste recycling system.

Bootcamps are designed to help communities develop competitive funding applications for federal grants with an emphasis on helping traditionally underserved small and mid-sized cities and towns. With at least 30 courses available in this two-year project, each of the courses will run for an average of four months, with live learning sessions taught by subject matter experts, along with coaching sessions, office hours, and opportunities for peer learning. Participating cities should plan to devote several hours of active participation to the program each month and will be guided through the process of how to execute a community engagement strategy, ground applications in data, assemble a budget, and ultimately write winning grant applications that are tailored to specific grant opportunities. 

Upon program completion, participating local governments will be able to submit compelling grant application packages that are grounded in data, feature detailed project plans, and include relevant policy objectives. 

Registration Closes Soon for Spring 2024!

To learn more about the offerings and register, visit the Local Infrastructure Hub website.

These technical trainings are being led by the National League of Cities (NLC) with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Ballmer Group, Emerson Collective, Ford Foundation, and The Kresge Foundation. Bootcamp participants span the United States, most of whom hold city staff positions and some of whom serve as mayors for their respective communities.