The mission of NLC’s Urban Innovation work is to support cities, towns and villages in exploring and adopting technology and better-using data in decision-making to meet the needs of all members of the community today and tomorrow, improve government services and operations, and ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities.
Topics we explore include:
Future of Cities. This initiative examines how emerging changes will impact cities and provides tangible recommendations to help cities prepare for the future. The initiative focuses on a variety of topics including work and workforce, public space and economic opportunity, emerging technology and mobility and equity.
Broadband and Digital Equity. Broadband internet has evolved from a cutting-edge luxury to an essential utility for participation in daily life. Because of barriers in affordability and accessibility, not everyone benefits from this vital tool. NLC provides tools and resources for cities to understand and bridge the digital divide in their communities.
Cybersecurity. As technology solutions evolve and expand, local government leaders are left to determine what works best for their communities. Many cities, towns and villages have already digitized parts of their operations and data systems. NLC’s resources help local leaders understand, prepare and implement these solutions so communities can modernize and operate efficiently while protecting their institutions online.
City Innovation and Data. NLC provides educational resources and data tools that highlight innovation in cities, towns and villages, sharing best practices and case studies of innovative strategies to tackle pressing challenges, improve service and prepare for the future. NLC has several data tools that document the actions taken by cities, towns and villages to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and deploy American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to rebuild from the pandemic.
Learn More: Urban Innovation Events, Articles & More Resources
Learn more about urban innovation by attending the National League of Cities’ City Innovation Summer Learning Series. Check out these resources and blog posts for more information on topics we cover.