State and Local Government Organizations Respond to Chairman Shuster’s Infrastructure Plan

July 26, 2018 - (1 min read)

The following statement may be attributed to the National League of Cities (NLC), National Association of Counties (NACo), National Governors Association (NGA), Council of State Governments (CSG) and the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL):

“State and local government organizations appreciate the continued focus on legislative solutions to America’s looming and longstanding infrastructure issues. The Highway Trust Fund solvency in particular will require leadership from the House and Senate to move these solutions forward. We look forward to speaking with each Member of Congress about their support for forward momentum on infrastructure. We would like to thank Chairman Shuster for his service in the House and his efforts to uplift the nation’s dialogue on infrastructure.”


The National League of Cities (NLC) is the voice of America’s cities, towns and villages, representing more than 200 million people across the country. NLC works to strengthen local leadership, influence federal policy and drive innovative solutions. Stay connected with NLC on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.