73% of Local Officials Report Experiencing Harassment, According to New National League of Cities Survey

September 18, 2024 - (2 min read)

Washington, D.C. – In a new survey conducted by the nonpartisan National League of Cities (NLC), 73 percent of surveyed mayors, city council members, and city managers report personally experiencing harassment as part of their work. Of those who experienced harassment, 89 percent experienced harassment on social media and 84 percent experienced harassment during public city meetings.

“As recent events have underscored, political violence and the harassment of public officials in America is a very real threat. At the local level, this is a trend we’ve become all too aware of in recent years,” said Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director of the National League of Cities. “Given the trust people have in their local leaders, the local level is also where I believe our country can come together. Mayors and city council members are already leading the way, showing how to disagree respectfully, uniting their communities around commonalities, and denouncing offensive and violent rhetoric.”

Other key findings:

  • Twenty-three percent (23%) of respondents report harassment of their family or loved ones. 
  • Almost 60 percent of respondents feel political harassment has gotten worse since they entered office. 
  • Sixty percent (60%) of respondents say there is no plan in place to address political harassment though they believe one is needed. Only 20 percent report having a plan in place. 

The survey, which included 256 respondents, was conducted in August 2024. The survey is an update to NLC’s November 2021 report, “On the Frontlines of Today’s Cities: Trauma, Challenges and Solutions.” In October, NLC will be releasing a new report looking at how communities throughout the country are working to improve civil discourse.

Source Notes: Percentages are calculated as the proportion of all total responses to each question; in some cases, respondents were able to select multiple options, so the total of the percentages is greater than 100 percent. 


National League of Cities (NLC) is the voice of America’s cities, towns and villages, representing more than 200 million people. NLC works to strengthen local leadership, influence federal policy and drive innovative solutions. Stay connected with NLC on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Instagram.