The National League of Cities (NLC) has policy experts on a range of issues that local leaders from across the country face in their communities. If you are a member of the media looking to interview one of our policy experts or are interested in inviting a policy expert to speak at an event, please email

Lourdes Aceves

Interim Director, Health & Wellness

Jammie Albert

Program Director,
Early Childhood Success

Michael Bartlett

Program Director, Postsecondary & Workforce Success

Denise Belser

Pathways & Funding

Carolyn Berndt

Legislative Director, Sustainability

Dr. Robert Blaine

Senior Executive and Director, Leadership, Education, Advancement  and Development

James Brooks

Director, Infrastructure, Transportation and Solutions


Seantae Byers

Senior Executive and Director, Member and Partner Engagement

Irma Esparza Diggs

Senior Executive and Director, Federal Advocacy 

Kirby Gaherty

Program Director, Justice Initiatives

Georgia Gempler

Program Manager, Health & Wellness

Michael Gleeson

Legislative Director, Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations

Heidi Goldberg

Director, Economic Opportunity and Financial Empowerment, Municipal Practice

Patrick Hain

Program Manager, Economic Opportunity and Financial Empowerment, Municipal Practice

Farhad Kaab Omeyr

Program Director, Research & Data Analysis

Brittney Kohler

Legislative Director, Transportation & Infrastructure Services, Federal Advocacy

Jon Kuhl

Senior Executive and Director, Digital Engagement,
Marketing & Communications

Lauren Lowery

Director, Housing and Community Development

Stephanie Martinez-Ruckman

Legislative Director, Human Development

Dr. Elfreda Massie

Director, Education & Expanded Learning

Andrew Moore

Director, Youth and Young Adult Connections

McKenzie McGuire

Senior Program Specialist, Postsecondary and Workforce Success, Leadership, Education, Advancement, and Development

Yucel Ors

Legislative Director, Public Safety & Crime Prevention

Angelina Pannettieri

Legislative Director, Information Technology and Communications, Federal Advocacy

Stacy Richardson

Chief of Staff

Lindsay Rapkin

Senior Program Specialist, Education & Expanded Learning Center for Leadership, Education, Advancement & Development

Tonja Rucker

Director, Early Childhood Success

Brandis Stockman

Program Manager, Education & Expanded Learning

Michael Wallace

Legislative Director, Community & Economic Development, Federal Advocacy