October 8, 2020

Rebuild With Us

America’s infrastructure problems cannot wait. Our transportation network is a knot of congestion and disrepair, our broadband and connectivity lags behind the rest of the world, families drink from bottled water in the absence of safe tap water, and all the while, federal partnership for infrastructure has faltered, allowing America to fall behind an ever-increasing demand. 

Cities are leading the way on America’s infrastructure challenges and solutions, by building intermodal, sustainable and interconnected infrastructure networks that support a modern economy. But there are limits to what we can accomplish alone. Cities, towns and villages are calling on Congress to Rebuild with Us.


America’s communities and residents realize it is past time to reimagine and reinvest in infrastructure and they need additional resources and partnerships to do it.

Communities are leading the way, addressing urgent needs right now and utilizing technologies and available resources to modernize and build for the future.  

But we cannot do it alone. Congress must partner with cities, towns and villages and invest in a vision for America’s infrastructure that will serve communities and residents for the next 100 years.  

Relevant Legislation & Regulation

Find the latest decisions and policies related to infrastructure here. Where applicable, we have recommended actions that you can take today to make your voice heard and community better.

Helpful Hint: Legislation comes from Congress (elected). Regulation come from agencies (appointed).

FAST Act Transportation Reauthorization

FAST Act Transportation Reauthorization 

Every few years, Congress reexamines the nation’s transportation plans to see how they can be updated to better fund and prioritize the needs of residents. The last bill, the Fixing Americas Surface Transportation (FAST) Act of 2016, will expire at the end of September 2020, and the nation’s transportation Trust Fund could be depleted as soon as 2021. We need a long-term infrastructure plan that works holistically to improve our nation’s water, broadband, and transportation systems while also investing in the skills training for an equipped workforce that can maintain, build, and strengthen our infrastructure

Investment in Water Infrastructure

Investment in Water Infrastructure 

NLC calls on Congress to cosponsor and pass the bipartisan Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act. The bill would reauthorize and increase funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programan essential tool for communities to provide clean and safe water for residents and businesses. Given our nation’s growing wastewater infrastructure needs, we must make substantial investments to repair and replace our nation’s aging water infrastructure. 



Support H.R. 2831/S. 1517 Building U.S. Infrastructure by Leveraging Demands for Skills Act (BUILDS Act) 
In just two years, 4.6 million additional trained workers are projected to be needed to keep pace with the current hiring demands in the infrastructure sector alone. NLC calls on Congress to cosponsor and pass the bicameral BUILDS Act which invests in work-based learning programsand support services within the infrastructure sector.

About the Federal Action Agenda

The NLC Advocacy Center takes a proactive approach to the decisions and policies coming out of Washington, D.C. In response to those decisions, we create the Federal Action Agenda as a resource for the latest information and to provide recommendations on how our member cities could best respond and implement. Find our up to date recommendations and priorities in the Federal Action Agenda.