The National League of Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies have teamed up to collect and share actions taken by local leaders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scale of this global crisis is unprecedented, and so is the scope of the local government response. These extraordinary efforts will have far-reaching implications to public health, municipal services, and local economies that we are only beginning to comprehend.
Our goal is to ensure mayors, city leaders, and other local decision makers have the information they need to lead their communities through this crisis. We aim to highlight and uplift the efforts of local leaders. By working together, we can take steps to ensure the health and safety of residents across the nation.
Tracking COVID-19 Response and Relief
Find critical information on COVID-19 in cities, towns and villages
The NLC Local Action Tracker is the most complete collection of municipal responses to COVID-19.
The information below was collected through active research and direct submissions from local leaders from February 2020 to February 2022.*
The data in this Tracker serves as a reflection of the ways that cities across the country leapt into action to meet community needs and learn from each other at the height of the pandemic and over the following two years.
*Data will not continue to be updated after February 2022
NLC has carefully curated COVID-19 resources with the local elected official in mind, including myriad best practices, tools and analyses on key issues relevant to cities, towns and villages.
Explore our interactive ARPA Investment Tracker to learn how large cities and counties are deploying their American Rescue Plan Act dollars to rebuild from the pandemic and better their communities.
See how American Rescue Plan Act funds were allocated to cities, towns and villages across the country using our ARPA Local Allocations tool.
Let NLC deliver for you!
The National League of Cities (NLC) is your partner in recovery. This is the time for America to do more than survival we can thrive.
NLC is a strategic partner for local leaders and municipal staff, serving as a resource and advocate for communities large and small. Click the button to learn how NLC can help deliver for your city.