
City Name: North Lauderdale, FL; Alexandria, LA

NLC Partner: Tyler Technologies, Inc.

Problem: In the current cyber threat environment, organizations must be vigilant. Organizations and cities are continuously bombarded with attempts to compromise their missions, such as malspam, email compromise, brute force attempts, and the ever-present threat of ransomware. This has dangerous consequences for continuity of operations for local governments.

Solution: In this project, Tyler Technologies is working with North Lauderdale, FL and Alexandria, LA to develop a five-step cybersecurity culture to advance security efforts that ensure both a top-down and bottom-up approach to ownership of cybersecurity in local government.

Outcome: Tyler Technologies provided a high-level overview of their Cybersecurity Maturity program highlighting examples of where cybersecurity, in terms of people, processes, and technology can be improved. The program improved cybersecurity awareness and training processes in each of the cities.

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