Research underscores the benefits of high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs, providing youth with opportunities for academic acceleration, social skills development, and improved health and well-being. Referred to as Out of School Time (OST), these programs offer opportunities for learning, exploration, and personal growth outside of traditional school hours, helping to address achievement gaps, reduce risky behaviors, and promote positive development.

City leaders are increasingly acknowledging the importance of afterschool programs in their communities, but many don’t know where to find funds to start or enhance existing programs. City leaders play a crucial role in obtaining funding for afterschool programs due to their position as key decision-makers and advocates within local government.

This resource outlines the role municipal leaders can play in securing long-lasting and sustainable funding for afterschool and summer learning programs, including funding from both the federal and state levels. Private funding is also addressed as is a set of best practices for municipalities looking to secure reliable funding.