Healthy Housing Workforce Toolkit: Assess
The first step in building a healthy housing workforce is to identify where the gaps are between the demand for a workforce and the current supply. Conducting a Community Needs Assessment and a Workforce Gap Analysis can help define housing challenges, community needs and gaps in the labor market so municipalities can prioritize areas that will create the greatest impact.
The tools below help municipalities ask questions such as:
- Is the municipality lacking lead inspectors?
- Does the municipality have the capacity and partners to incorporate healthy housing evaluators?
- Is there a pathway available for people to become certified?
Tools and Resources
To better understand the needs of communities, these tools offer municipalities guidance and templates for developing and implementing a needs assessment and gap analysis:
- The National Institute of Health Gap Analysis.5
- HOME – ARP Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis (PDF) 6
- Local Housing Solutions Housing Needs Assessment7
- HUD’s Healthy Homes Program Guidance Manual Chapter 4 (PDF)8
HUD has published a Healthy Homes Program Guidance Manual to supply local governments with the information and tools to develop a healthy housing program. Cities can review the document and consider what tools they can take away to implement in a workforce program.
Case Study
Pierce County, WA performed a Skills Gap Analysis & Sector Strategies (PDF)9 report. This process allowed them to understand where in their county they need to target to ensure communities are receiving the necessary support.
End Notes
5 “Gap Analysis.”
7 “Housing Needs Assessment.”
9 “Wfc_skillsgapanalysis_1121.Pdf.”