The Housing Hazards and Health Stakeholder Series of three briefs shares lessons learned from municipal-level healthy housing efforts from across the country to help support local leaders in their work to improve housing conditions in their communities.

Cities play an essential role in promoting access to quality and affordable housing through policies, programs, and practices. Failing to provide safe housing for residents often creates health costs for the whole community, and deferred maintenance can undermine the city-level tax base and erode a community’s financial stability. These three briefs provide concrete examples and strategies for local leaders to improve housing quality and access.

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Gaining Community Health Allies for Healthy Homes Programs

The first brief spotlights ways local leaders can engage local health stakeholders, including public health departments, health systems, community groups, and insurers to improve healthy homes programs for all residents.

Aligning Housing Quality with Diverse Community Interests

Aligning Housing Quality with Diverse Community Interests

The second brief in the series explores ways to engage with other community interests and other aspects of community development and considers how partnering at the regional or state levels can complement local efforts.

Building Governmental Support for Healthy Housing

Building Governmental Support for Healthy Housing

The third brief in the series highlights ways to engage policy makers and key staff in relevant agencies to support innovative housing quality practices. It also addresses strategies for promoting collaboration with other agencies and levels of government in support of these efforts.