A 2022 Update
Affordable, quality and safe housing is key to thriving communities. Housing prices are the highest they’ve been in a decade and rents continue to increase, only exacerbating the economic hardship many have felt since the onset of the pandemic. Local governments must use every tool available to them to address the housing crisis and ensure all of their residents have a place to live.
Local authority over land use, zoning and housing programs gives cities, towns and villages an opportunity to improve access to housing in their communities now, without waiting for the federal or state governments to act. Developed and published in collaboration with the 49 state municipal leagues, this report takes a detailed look at the interplay of state policies and local housing markets, outlining the policies at city leaders’ fingertips today.
Download the report to learn more about the affordable housing tools and resources available to local leaders, read case studies on what other cities are doing to make housing more accessible and access funding sources that can help municipalities effectively address the housing crisis.