This summary describes a year-long technical assistance cohort that included a virtual convening of participating city mayors in May 2021. Five mayors and their respective city teams were selected through a competitive application process, engaged in both one-on-one consultations and several peer-to-peer learning opportunities, including two virtual convenings.
The cities of Rochester, Minnesota; San Antonio, Texas; San Francisco, California; Springfield, Massachusetts; and Tacoma, Washington. Each city explored, as a group:
- social enterprise,
- ways to enhance collaboration with anchor collaboratives,
- effective ways to engage in authentic community engagement,
- key data indicators to benchmark progress,
- and cross sector partnerships to improve job training.
In addition to NLC staff, city teams were supported by the engagement of faculty experts and key partners including the Healthcare Anchor Network, Consilience Group and mySidewalk.
As a result, each city was able to formulate actionable multiyear plans for policy, practice and system changes to enhance supportive services and workforce training programs within their cities. These plans consider health and racial equity as key priorities. Learn more about each city’s unique focus areas and established outcomes toward comprehensive change to expand equitable opportunities by downloading Job Creation and Economic Opportunity to Improve Health & Equity.