The Pikes Peak Veteran Housing Fund (PPVHF) is a community program aligned with the Mayor’s Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in our strong military community. The City, in conjunction with RMHS/HAV-SSVF, the Community Advisory Council on Veteran Homelessness (CACVH), the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care (CoC), and our overall community will provide the support and oversight in this mission to end Veteran homelessness.
The risk, perceived or real, of renting to anyone who has experienced homelessness means that communities must continue to be creative in bringing landlords in as partners in the work to end homelessness. The PPVHF is a partnership that has been developed to support both Veterans and property owners in our community. The PPVHF is designed to incentivize property owners while ensuring that funds are used efficiently and with discretion to secure and retain high-quality units.