All communities have a vested interest in student reengagement. Across the country, school and local leaders have reported steep declines in school enrollment and engagement since March 2020, with many students considered “missing” or “not contactable.” Current low enrollments during COVID-19 affect individual students and have the potential to influence education funding flows and community vitality for many years beyond the pandemic. Specifically focusing on the reengagement of middle and high school students will pay long-term dividends in terms of successful access, persistence, and completion of college and career pathways, impacting the social and economic prospects and multigenerational mobility of residents.

This Autumn 2020 resource guide highlights emerging strategies, tools, and frameworks, as well as policy guidance, to address reengaging middle and high school students in the time of COVID-19. The partners intend for readers to “blend and braid” strategies and tools to match each community’s unique needs, cultures, and priorities.

A subsequent January 2021 edition of the resource guide will contain a significantly enhanced range of materials. The YEF Institute and the Coalition for Community Schools welcome submissions of additional resources, tools, and policies to include in the next edition. Please send submissions to Gislene Tasayco,

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This Autumn 2020 resource guide highlights emerging strategies, tools, and frameworks, as well as policy guidance, to address reengaging middle and high school students in the time of COVID-19.